Grades and Letter Jacket Information
Does Band and Color Guard Count as a P.E. Credit?
Students receive 0.5 credits of PE equivalent credit for each year they participate in marching band. The credits don’t count for GPA and are put on the transcript at the end of the school year. Two years of band waives the need to take other PE in high school.
Can you get a “letter” for band?
Yes! Students earn points for each year of participation and additional points for achievements in individual contests (see the band handbook on the Important Information Page). The school places orders twice a year for those students that have earned a letter. It is optional and an additional fee to buy the jacket through the school fitting and order process, and there is a special additional patch for band as well as patches for your specific instrument that can be added to any letter jacket (whether you first earn a letter for band or another activity). Most juniors and seniors proudly wear their jackets when the weather gets chilly.
Will being in band affect grades?
Our band brings together a wide variety of students in the school, with a culture to encourage everyone to do their best in everything they do, including schoolwork. Many of our band members are among Clear Falls’ top students academically. Choosing music education is also correlated with improved performance on standardized tests. UIL has a “no pass, no play” rule that requires students be passing all their classes to participate in activities. For the band, we depend on everyone passing their classes to be successful–if a student loses eligibility, it leaves critical holes in our formations and our music, so keeping up grades is part of being a member of the band. We use the band hall before and after school to study or practice, help each other in challenging subjects, and occasionally our directors offer a study hall in class when after-school commitments have been heavy. A lot of parents report that student grades are actually better during marching season because students are focused and have to manage their time effectively.