ASSIGNMENTS: There are NO MORE ASSIGNMENTS! Please check your skyward for any missing work and get it turned in for credit by Wednesday before noon
Thank you for those who attended the booster meeting on Wednesday. The new booster budget was approved and our officers are as follows.
President- Nina Olson
Vice-President- Kristi Reiser
Treasurer: Ernie Davis
Secretary: Carrie Hughes
Color Guard Vice President: Elizabeth Whelan
Summer instrument check will begin this week! We are shooting for Thursday (5/28) and Friday (5/29) for pick up days. We will be scheduling individual times between 9 am to 3 pm. Please email to setup a time for either days. First come, first serve on times. You will receive your summer instrument and we will need a parent signature on our check out forms.
The trip company has sent our reimbursement check for the trip. After the company’s charge that put each student to have to have paid a total of $143. So, a refund for the difference, depending on what you paid, will be calculated and sent as soon as possible. Mr. Moreno will be speaking to individuals via phone call or email this week so these can get settled before our bookkeeper leaves for summer vacation. It’s been a long process, but we will get this done very soon.
New music will be posted on the “Members Only” page of the website including the new daily drill and new 2020 show music for “Dark Dreams” once part assignments are fully established. Part assignments are not determined by chair only. We do consider seniority in part assignments.
The first song to take note of is the “Fight Song”, the second is “Dark Dream Part 1 and 2”. Please have your student contact their section leader for part assignments that were sent out today. Please note that part assignments are a combination of seniority, playing ability, and class instrumentation. We try to have strong players on all parts for our music so please understand there is a method to the parts we have assigned.
SENIORS!!! Ms. Rieser has sent out the scholarship information via Charms. Due date for submission is Friday May 29th and the award date is Sunday May 31st.
On Thursday we sent out information about Ms. Muckleroy our new assistant director! She will be sending out a video series for marching basics beginning this week. Our marching technique will not change from last year, but there will be a difference of approach from last year. We will post those videos on
There is still no information on schedules. We will keep you informed.
There was a mistake in the Knight’s Creed regarding assignments. Mr. Zavalla sent out a follow up saying that all assignments are due today! Please make sure your student has all their distance learning assignments in. Email us if you have any questions.
This is Mr. Zavalla’s last week with us. Please take the time to send him an encouraging email thanking him for his service to the Knights Band Program! Emails can be sent to .
Guard Corner:
There will be a color guard meeting this Thursday May 28th at 7 pm via Skype. Information was sent out by Mrs. Clyburn.