Clear Falls Knights Band

“Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.”

-Samuel Johnson-


  • Congratulations to all of our bands for UIL contest this year. All three ensembles were awarded a SUPERIOR rating on their stage performances. The Concert band was awarded a unanimous superior rating from the judges for the first time in Clear Falls History! Well done! The Concert Band earned an excellent rating in sight-reading and the other bands had unanimous superior ratings in sight-reading as well. What a banner year for our bands!
A director that is proud of our bands!

Notes for Parents & Students:

  • Spring Concert!
  • The CFHS Spring Concert will be held this Friday May 10th at 7:00 pm at the CFHS Auditorium. This concert will feature the Color Guard, Jazz Ensemble, and all three concert bands. We will also honor our seniors at this event! SPRING CONCERT IS PART OF THE FINAL EXAM GRADE FOR THE SEMESTER AND ALL BAND STUDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE AND REQUIRED TO ATTEND.
  • Booster club annual Spring Meeting and Officer Elections will be held during one of the changeovers at the concert. Agenda
  • Coming up on May 20th-23rd from 5-7 pm the Clear Falls band will have their mini grade marching camp. At 7:00 pm on the 23rd will be a first time ever performance for our parents. The performance is tentatively scheduled to be in the competition gym, but more information will be sent out as we get closer to the event.
  • There should be almost no rehearsals after school after contests. If your student would like to stay and practice after 2:45 pm, we welcome them to. Otherwise, students please go home to get ready for tests, finals, etc.
  • The Friday before Memorial Day we will be sending our final marching band numbers to our drill writer for next year. Factors for selection are eligibility throughout the year, rehearsal attendance throughout the year, and display of ability at the mini grade marching camp. We strongly advise our students to make sure they prioritize their grades and work on skills needed at the marching camp to have a spot for next year in the competitive marching show.
  • The CFHS Band Banquet will be held on Saturday May 11th at 6:00 pm at the Challenger Stadium Field House. This is a formal event, so please dress appropriately. Ticket sales have been closed as to make sure we have enough seats and food for all who have paid.

Events this week:

  • Tuesday, May 7th: Drumline auditions after school at 3:30 pm
  • Thursday, May 9th: Full Orchestra Rehearsal 3:30-5:00 pm
  • Friday, May 10th: Spring Concert. Call time 5:45 pm. Dress will be tuxes/dresses.

Guard Corner:

  • Color Guard Tryouts are on the week of May 20-23rd. 5-7 pm.
  • Please spread the word to get more guard students. We are looking to have two guards next year if the numbers permit.
  • There will be a guard rehearsal Tuesday 4-6 pm and/or Wednesday 4-6 pm to prepare for the Spring Concert. We will get final information as soon as we can.