Clear Falls Knights Band

Update on 4/21/20:

Here are the following scale requirements for the audition videos due this Friday April 24th at 3:30 pm as well some questions that have come up over the last week:

Flute: Concert C, Concert B

Oboe: Concert D, Concert Gb

Bassoon: Concert Ab, Concert A

Clarinet/Bass Clarinet: Concert D, Concert B

All Saxes: Concert G, Concert A

Trumpet: Concert Gb, Concert D

French Horn: Concert C, Concert Db

Trombone and Euphonium: Concert Ab, Concert D

Tuba: Concert Ab, Concert D


Q. Do I have to do this in one take only, or can I do multiple videos and turn in what I think is the best one?  

A. Either is acceptable as long as you do your video in one sitting.  Please do not pause the video in between scales and etudes or attempt to combine videos in any way.  This would cause you to be asked to do your video again by a director.  

Q.  May I play additional octaves for scales if i have the ability?

A. Yes you may.  However, you will only get credit for the octave that is written on the scale sheet.  No additional points will be given for additional octaves.  Mainly because some instruments do not have keys necessary to play certain ranges.  We are mainly concerned with what is on the scales/etudes scoring sheets.

Q. How do I select the speed to play my etudes?

A. Your private teacher will have vast knowledge of your etudes so they are the best place to find answers.  Also, check out the musical markings, if any.  Allegro, vivo is faster, adagio, largo is slower.  Pick the speed you can best play and read the musical scoring information sent out because speed is not necessarily what can determine a high score.  Go for accuracy!

Update on 4/20/20:

Good Afternoon!

The Knights Band Auditions platform has changed to FlipGrid.  Most students use this for other classes so this should be a smooth change.  For those that have not used this program before, it is very user friendly.

Please see the attachment for more details.  Scoring and “Q and A” are the same from the previous packet. sent out last week. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.

B. Moreno

Update on 4/19/20:

Auditions: Due to conflicting information regarding approved platforms for auditions, we will need to find another way for auditions to happen via video. They must be done by video so we can have verification. We apologize for this mishap. Mr. Moreno will be sending out the new procedure as soon as possible. We are still shooting to have videos turned in this week.

Update on 4/13/20:


We hope you are doing well, and we are proud to announce the auditions process will be conducted by videos through GOOGLE CLASSROOM!  Please CAREFULLY read the following:

  1. Audition videos are all due by 3:30 pm on April 24th.  We will send out the Google Classroom code on Sunday April 19th and videos can be submitted throughout that week.  No points given or deducted if turned in early.  Late submissions could affect your score negatively.  If you have issues meeting this deadline, please communicate as in advance as possible to 
  2. Please submit your ONE audition through video.  (instructions are attached, titled “How To” pg. 1)
  3. Please do your entire audition on ONE video for all components (scales first, then etudes: NO CHROMATIC)
  4. Please review the grading rubric for scales and etudes (also attached, titled “Scale and Music Scoring” pgs. 2-3)
  5. Seniority:  Auditions will be, primarily, based on playing ability for scoring.   The only way seniority will come into play is if we have a tie between two students.  (ex. a current junior and an incoming 9th grade student tie on score, the junior will be placed higher due to seniority).  *Past behavior issues, eligibility, scheduling, etc. could be a cause to be placed in a lower ensemble class* (see band handbook for more information)
  6. Scales will be picked at random at a date closer to the audition date.   We will post it on the main page:  Please monitor daily, but we will also send out information through charms, skyward, itslearning, section leaders and intermediate band directors. 
  7. Finally, pg. 4 of the attached packet is a Q and A for auditions.  You may have more questions, please feel free to email Mr. Moreno at  **Current seniors will not have to submit an audition video**

Thank you for your time,

B. Moreno