Clear Falls Knights Band

On May 10th we will have our Spring Concert! There will also be a short Band Booster Meeting where we will vote on the board for next school year. We need a few positions filled. If you are interested in any position, filled or unfilled, please let me know. My email is The nominating committee is meeting the week of April 22 to discuss all the perspective candidates.

The current Board 2018-2019 is:

  • Kristi Reiser- President
  • Erik Papaleo- Vice President
  • Carrie Hughes- Secretary
  • James Morrison- Treasurer

Prospective Board Next Year 2019-2020:

  • President- Kristi Reiser (Running Again)
  • Vice President- Carrie Hughes (moving from Secretary)
  • Secretary- Erik Papaleo (moving from Vice President)
  • Treasurer- Open Position
  • Vice President of Color Guard- Open Position

*As always you can run for any position if you so choose*

We are excited to have a Vice President for Color Guard, and would really like a color guard parent in that position to liaison with the band. If you have any questions feel free to call or email me.

Crystal Frison, Nominating Committee Chair: 757-575-0472