Clear Falls Knights Band


Pre-UIL Concert and Sight-reading @ Clear Creek HS, Monday April 15th, 2019

  • 7:00 am –Report to Clear Falls Band Hall; get dressed into tuxes/dresses
  • 7:30 am – Load Bus depart to Clear Creek High School
  • 8:45 am- Stage Performance
  • 9:15 am. – Sight-read 
  • 10:15 am – Load buses and load to go back to Falls
  • 10:30 am – Arrive at Falls; head to class/cafeteria at 10:45 am (B lunch)
  • 11:15 am – Return to 4th period classes

All Concert Band students must report to the band hall in the morning dressed in tuxes/dresses with all needed items (instrument, music, tuner, etc.).  Gentlemen must have a tux shirt, long black socks and black shoes (may use band shoes).  Ladies must have black dress shoes (flats are acceptable). This concert is also open to the public and parents are invited to come to the performances!!   Please bring regular school clothing to change into once we return to Falls.  Students must have passed all classes for the 3rd nine weeks and/or the progress report ending the end of week of April in order to attend.  A band director will notify you and your student if they are not eligible for this event.  


Pre-UIL Concert and Sight-reading @ Clear Creek HS, Monday April 15th, 2019

  • 11:45 am –Report to Clear Falls Band Hall; get dressed into tuxes/dresses
  • 12:00 pm – Load Bus depart to Clear Creek High School
  • 1:45 pm – Stage Performance
  • 2:15 pm. – Sight-read
  • 3:15 pm – Load buses and load to go back to Falls **May be 5 pm, see below
  • 3:30 pm – Arrive at Falls

All Symphonic Band students must report to the band hall in the morning dressed in tuxes/dresses with all needed items (instrument, music, tuner, etc.).  Gentlemen must have a tux shirt, long black socks and black shoes (may use band shoes).  Ladies must have black dress shoes (flats are acceptable). This concert is also open to the public and parents are invited to come to the performances!!   Please bring regular school clothing to change into once we return to Falls.  Students must have passed all classes for the 3rd nine weeks and/or the progress report ending the end of week of April in order to attend.  A band director will notify you and your student if they are not eligible for this event. 

** The Symphonic band was scheduled for a relatively early pickup after their performance for Pre UIL on Monday April 15th at Clear Creek HS.  However, I have just been notified that the driver who we originally scheduled had to cancel on us.  I am still in the process of finding a driver, but if I cannot locate one. So the earliest time we could  get a bus from Creek to Falls would be at 5 pm.  I would strongly encourage any and all students who could get a ride home to do so from Clear Creek HS.  Per district policy these students will still need an alternate transportation form on file before we allow them to leave.