The Berry Center, 8877 Barker Cypress Road, Cypress, TX 77433
Spectator Information/Performance Schedule
Band Member Schedule
- 6:00 Report Time/Load Buses
- 6:15 Depart for Cypress Ranch High School
- 8:15 Arrive at Cypress Ranch High School for run-through
- 8:45 Load Buses for Berry Center
- 9:00 Arrive at Berry Center (snack/restroom/water)
- 9:55 Warm up (30 minutes, music only)
- 10:45 Performance
- 11:30 Depart for Star Cinema Grill Theatre for lunch movie- “MALEFICENT”
- 5:00 Prelims Awards (Finalist Announcement)
- 7:30 Finals Begin (if not finals, Depart for Falls after dinner)
- 10:15 Finals Awards
- 10:30 Load Buses for Falls
- 10:30 Depart for Falls
- 11:15 pm- (Arrive at Falls)
Important Notes
- Students please make sure your alarm is set and you are a part of a “WAKE UP PHONE TREE” in your sections. This could be a LONG DAY. Students must report in their black shorts, LONG black socks, band shoes, and ON WINTER’S BREATH SHOW SHIRT. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU EAT A HEARTY BREAKFAST BEFORE YOU ARRIVE, PLEASE NO DAIRY.
- The tentative plan for dinner will be to eat at 5:30 pm. If our finals time is too early, we will feed them immediately after our performance. STUDENTS ARE STRONGLY ENCOURAGED TO BRING EXTRA SNACKS OR MONEY FOR CONCESSIONS AT THE BERRY CENTER.
- Students MUST show up wearing what is above, because they will only have time to grab their uniform in the morning and get on the bus. It will be a cooler day overall, but please make sure you drink water to prevent dehydration.
- Please sign up for the reminds to find out if we make finals or not. In the event we do not make finals we will be back at Falls by 8:15 pm. We will eat dinner after finals announcement regardless if we make it or not. In the event we march early, we will need to move dinner back until after we march. Students may bring money for concessions or bring extra snacks in their band bags. There is a clear back pack rule at the Berry Center and you should have already received information on this rule.
- WE WILL NEED CHAPERONES AND CREW FOR THIS EVENT!!!! Please contact Kristi Reiser for more details.