We are now entering an interesting time in our learning for band……we have been asked to come up with a distance cirriculum for our program! Thank you students for completing last week’s theory assignment! It was a good start and this week we are going to setup protocols for weeks to come.
Learning Assignments
- For daily grades this week we are asking for students (ALL STUDENTS winds, percussion, guard) to do a practice card that documents a full hour (total for the week, not per day) of practice/spinning this week. We will increase the time requirement this as we go. The practice card is on page 1 of the attached pdf. file. You should be able to save page 1 only by opening the document, clicking on File/Print, select printer as pdf, and selecting page 1 in the field for individual pages to be saved as a file with only the practice card. The practice card for 3/23-3/26 is due on Friday 3/26, please send completed cards to rzavalla@ccisd.net. Also, please make sure your parent signature is on what you turn in. This can be submitted electronically as a pdf., print and take a picture from another device and email it to us, scan, etc.
- For a test grade (for winds/percussion only) we are asking students to submit an audio (no video) recording through charms office. Setup is going to take a few minutes, and possibly directors help, to get established. In the attachment, page 3 and on, is instructions for getting into charms and accessing the recording studio. Some of you do not have access to your student ID. 9 times out of 10 the student ID is not what the school assigned you. We entered generic IDs for most of the students because students across the country have similar ID numbers and it will not allow overlap. If you email brmoreno@ccisd.net we will be able to get you your student ID.
- Winds will record their Concert Bb and Eb scale exercise that he have done in class daily. Concert Band play at quarter note equals 72, Symphonic Band at quarter note equals 85, and Wind Ensemble quarter note equals 100. You can go to online metronome on a separate tab on your internet search engine to have a metronome in the background or you can play without it. Please strictly adhere to the tempo guidelines.
- Percussion you will choose one of the following: a) if you have a practice keyboard at home, play Bb and Eb scales two octaves up and down or, b) page 2 of the attached pdf file, play line 5-8 at 3 times at 3 different tempos Q = 70, 96, 120 and submit on charms.
- Color Guard will receive a separate assignment that will be sent out later today. \
- For the winds/percussion we will continue to build on these assignments, but this should be good for grades this week. If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to contact a director for help. We don’t want you to stress about these assignments, but do complete to the best of your ability. And we hope that these will be fun to do on your end!
This is a lot of information and I did try to be as clear as possible. If something is confusing, I apologize in advance and as always if you have any questions or concerns please let us know.